Friday, December 11, 2009

Treatment For Text Thumb How Long Did It Take For You To Find The Right Treatment For Your Depression?

How long did it take for you to find the right treatment for your depression? - treatment for text thumb

Therapies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy, but since she an introspective person who is reading books in psychology at the University of text as a child, I was a little too obvious to be effective and some do not like me for several reasons .

I try a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep habit and participate in activities that I enjoyed making, including the arts.

I do not believe in herbal remedies to believe for real problems, so it does not work for me.

I left medicine as a last resort and had a bad reaction to the antidepressant first time I've tried (Prozac). Basically, depression, madness, excess energy + = hell. I stopped and quit after 6 months, my psychiatrist, and they have survived for the last three years, but my depression is rearing its ugly head again and I beat my partner try it again with the drug ...

How long did it take? Do you already have a crazy reaction to a drug and has helped to find another?


Arcane feline said...

All drugs mask the problem lies not in the trash. If you take medication for the rest of your life, you do it. I myself suffered from depression for ten years and counting. I tried everything, therapy, medication, including better ways of thinking (as you have a very fast when on who I had been changed.) I am not currently any drug is already three years. I come moments of depression and go, but I think I speak to groups, people who have what he has and I know what happens because they have there at some point in their life or another can be very useful. They are friends and I only saw my support group at the age of my family. I have lots of support in one self-help groups started to Yahoo hear people meet and let their frustrations. He left you link in the site area "to. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Arcane feline said...

All drugs mask the problem lies not in the trash. If you take medication for the rest of your life, you do it. I myself suffered from depression for ten years and counting. I tried everything, therapy, medication, including better ways of thinking (as you have a very fast when on who I had been changed.) I am not currently any drug is already three years. I come moments of depression and go, but I think I speak to groups, people who have what he has and I know what happens because they have there at some point in their life or another can be very useful. They are friends and I only saw my support group at the age of my family. I have lots of support in one self-help groups started to Yahoo hear people meet and let their frustrations. He left you link in the site area "to. Hope this helps. Good luck.

starwber... said...

Many people have problems with Prozac. There is nothing wrong with taking the drug. In reality it is much easier to handle if you take medication. There are many medications are you these days I'm sure you can take a try to find you work. The reason for depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Why not make sense to use chemicals that stabilize the chemicals? Antidepressants, the flow of chemicals in the brain properly. Eating, sleeping, and the right to life are also important for depression. Psychotherapy is also good, but you have someone you can feel at ease. You should also a kind of therapy that you feel comfortable.

I see a therapist who is on drugs and a consultant who is responsible for my speech therapy responsible. They communicate with each other to ensure that I do well. My therapist always talk with me before making any changes in medication. She says I am not with serious side effects or they are too boring. My advisor always asks me what I'm talking about every meeting. There is a beliefw session, where we talk about what you want, but only if there are cases that the care needs, or something unusual happened. This happened several times after she experienced a manic episode.

Another point is that bad if antidepressants or are feeling stressed, you can bipolar. If you are bipolar and taking an antidepressant, a manic episode. You then need to mood stabilizers.

Kat said...

There are some very good medications now day .. Sometimes it takes a couple of times to get pills for you. For my part, I've started a case and thereby the work. I have panic attacks ... But talk to your doctor and try to work with them to find the right balance for you .. Good luck

Kat said...

There are some very good medications now day .. Sometimes it takes a couple of times to get pills for you. For my part, I've started a case and thereby the work. I have panic attacks ... But talk to your doctor and try to work with them to find the right balance for you .. Good luck

Vic K said...

Prozac works for me. My doctor has tried to change Paxil as a possible remedy for stress headaches. The results are terrible. Prozac was for me for many years. I urge you to reconsider your doctor. Do not try to renal disease by treating the questions here. Do the same with depression.

Kathryn R said...

One thing that I do not understand is why he was there to consult with their physician on medication? That makes things easier for you. I dealt with depression for over forty years because of chronic depression he worth when he can 9 The most time you keep everything under control, but every few years, I have to deal with therapy and medication. Doctors today have now are great and I'm on drugs are very good, but I agreed that if I would remain stable and responsible, rather than the burden of depression that I must remain drug for the rest of my life as my medication for my arthrists and other chronic diseases. You should go on treatment and to see if your depression is a chronic, or if you do not deal with issues of their departure and must be taken medicines with you to consult with their doctor did not really have any benefits from any therapy and medication.

applebee... said...

My brother has to do the same sort of things, so I just started the same drug he did, and they are working, but not the same dose

Pico said...

From the first time asking for help for my depression and anxiety, it has found me about 5 years on something that worked for me. Firstly, Zoloft, which has done nothing for me and away from drugs. I went without medicines or treatments for a few years until things got so bad that he had no other choice than to see a psychiatrist. I have tried Lexapro, which works very well. I now take Effexor, Abilify, and Klonopin is a good combination for me. I was finally with "correctly" diagnosed and discovered that not "only" a depression. I have schizoaffective disorder, which explains many of my symptoms were not addressed before. Do not give up. My advice is to try again, perhaps with a different psychiatrist, and see how it goes. I do not know anyone that find a solution to the first one.

Pico said...

From the first time asking for help for my depression and anxiety, it has found me about 5 years on something that worked for me. Firstly, Zoloft, which has done nothing for me and away from drugs. I went without medicines or treatments for a few years until things got so bad that he had no other choice than to see a psychiatrist. I have tried Lexapro, which works very well. I now take Effexor, Abilify, and Klonopin is a good combination for me. I was finally with "correctly" diagnosed and discovered that not "only" a depression. I have schizoaffective disorder, which explains many of my symptoms were not addressed before. Do not give up. My advice is to try again, perhaps with a different psychiatrist, and see how it goes. I do not know anyone that find a solution to the first one.

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